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The event gives young people a platform to express their views and speak up about a selected topic or cause.
During the day, the debates are preceeded by a panel discussion lead by experts on the topic.

GIMUN Day 2021
Ensuring the Resilience of the Poor and Reducing their Vulnerability to Climate – Related Extreme Events
The first edition of the GIMUN Day was held on Nov. 17th, 2021 in the Palais des Nations in Geneva.
GIMUN members had the priviledge of attending this event and representing a country during the conference debates.
The conference started with insightful discussions about experiences and thoughts on the current state of affairs regarding the climate crisis held by three humanitarian Guest Speakers: Lars Peter Nissen, Nishanie Jayamaha and Amir Khouzam.
You can discover the GIMUN Day 2021 report below!
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