GIMUN is recruiting for its Annual Conference all year round.
Below you can find the list of the positions for which we recruit. Please be aware that none of the positions are paid, nor can we guarantee that your application is accepted.
Note that the participation fee is strictly non-refundable under any circumstances.
Our Annual Conference will be held from the 12th to the 16th of February 2024. Thank you to everyone for your participation and involvment! Stay tuned on our Socials for other events and recruitments!

You are studying interpretation and want to show your skills in a fast- paced international environment? Become a part of our interpretation team and contribute to GIMUN's bilingualism!

You are an experienced MUN Delegate looking for a new challenge? Apply now as an ambassador and lead a team of delegates!

You are interested in journalism and want to report and reflect on the intricacies of international diplomacy? Then apply as a Journalist for our Annual Conference!

You are an experienced MUNer and wish to chair one of the six interesting committees during our Annual Conference? Applications for Committee Chairs are open!
You are studying translation and want to show your skills in a fast- paced international environment? Become a part of our translation team and contribute to GIMUN's bilingualism!

Under Secretaries General
You want to be part of the organising team of an international student's conference? Apply now until the beginning of August as an Under Secretary General!